The Gus Hall Action Club's blog has a great selection of informative posts that explain Marxist-Leninist ideology and its use in real-life political work. They also have a number of posts that combat anti-Communist propaganda as well. Here are links to some of the best posts on their blog:
The Dictatorship of the Proletariat is the Crux of Marxism
The Lie of Soviet Anti-Semitism
Racism: Instrument of Capitalist Class Rule, Weapon of Big Business
What a Communist Party is Good For
Revisionism vs. the Vanguard Role of the Marxist-Leninist Party
Fight for the Employee Free Choice Act!
Read and Reread Marx, Engels, Lenin
Stalin: 'His Name Stands Alongside the Names of Marx, Engels and Lenin'
Note that the Gus Hall Action Club is a great Marxist-Leninist group in the state of Minnesota. Many other informative posts are also posted on their blog. Please share their weblink with your progressive and anti-imperialist friends!